Join the fanlisting
A fanlisting is simply a list of fans. If you like Phantom of the Paradise, add your name to the list!
- Name, email, and country are required fields, per TFL rules.
- You may hide your email from the public list.
- Your email will only be used to send your account info, a notification that you've been added, and any password resets you request.
- Website URLs:
- Linking back here with text or a button is nice (spread the word!), but it's not required for your site to be listed.
- Social media links are allowed as long as your profile is viewable without logging in.
- Sites may be excluded from the listing at my discretion. No hate speech or SEO spam. Sites with 18+ content are allowed, as long as they have appropriate warnings. Again, nothing hateful.
- I will occasionally remove dead links from the listing. If I've removed yours by mistake, you are welcome to re-add it.
- If you're already a member, please update your existing information instead of signing up again. You can also reset your password or delete your listing.
Please use the form below for joining the fanlisting. Please hit the submit button only once. Your entry is fed instantly into the database, and your email address is checked for duplicates. Passwords are encrypted into the database and will not be seen by anyone else other than you. If left blank, a password will be generated for you.
If you encounter problems, please feel free to .
The fields with asterisks (*) are required fields.
Powered by Enthusiast [Robotess Fork] v. 1.0.6 (Beta) (original author: Angela Sabas)